Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Jio Fiber Rs 199 Top-up Recharge Voucher Now Offers 1TB Data and 7 Days Validity

The arrival of Reliance Jio was a watershed moment in the mobile communications space in India. The company was singlehandedly responsible for endowing India with the title of being the country with the world’s cheapest data tariffs. Jio also began the tradition of offering more than 1 GB of data per day to its users. Until then, people paid an average of Rs 200 to 250 for 1 GB of data per month. With the competition forced to follow, data tariffs across India plummeted to never-before-seen rates, which eventually led to a massive increase in mobile data consumption in the country. With Jio also announcing its plans to enter the wired broadband space, expectations were high about the company, also revolutionalizing the broadband space with similar, affordable tariffs.

That, however, was not to be.

When Jio formally revealed its plans in 2019, consumers (mostly in the metro cities) did not find them to be competitive enough to warrant a switch. Many of these users also found that Jio’s Fiber offered lesser data when compared to their existing service provider. Jio seems to have understood this and has since then been on a continuous drive to tweak its broadband plans to make them competitive. The company also recently started migrating old preview users to the newer paid plans. As a part of this move, the company announced a new entry-level plan that costs INR 351 and offers 10 Mbps download speeds and a FUP of 50GB per month.  They followed it up with the launch of a top-up voucher worth INR 199, which initially offered 100GB of data for 7 days. The company has now updated that voucher, and it now offers 1TB of data while offering the same 7 day validity period.  This voucher is directed at users on lower-priced plans who could find themselves out of data by the end of the middle of the month in such a scenario, an additional 1TB of data should be more than enough to cover the rest of the month.

More about the Rs 199 Top-Up Voucher

At the outset, let us remind you that you cannot buy this 199 plan to use as your primary plan. It is only applicable when you are already on an existing plan and need to top up with additional data. It is almost certain, however, that most users would not be able to use the entire 1TB of data in the 7-day data period. Note that this is not the only top-up plan that is available from Jio. There are other plans as well that offer lower data — but come with a longer validity period. In our opinion, the 1TB plan should be useful in case you run out of data with just a week left for the month to end.

The post Jio Fiber Rs 199 Top-up Recharge Voucher Now Offers 1TB Data and 7 Days Validity appeared first on MySmartPrice.

from MySmartPrice

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