Apple introduced the Touch ID function Back in September 2013 with the launch of the iPhone 5s. It was the first smartphone that comes with a fingerprint scanner embedded on the home button. The company has started the trend in the smartphone industry across the globe and almost all the brands started including the fingerprint scanner for better security reasons. But, back in 2017 Apple took another robust decision by ditching the home button and fingerprint scanner for the Face ID feature.
With the launch of iPhone X the company once again started a new trend which was followed by all the brands. It was the first smartphone to arrive with a big notch on the display that carries a set of sensors. The 3D face mapping system of iPhone X series performed well and iPhone users never complained about the accuracy of the Face ID. However, it seems that the company is once again going to bring fingerprint scanner features with the upcoming iPhone 13 series.
Apple iPhone 13 to Arrive with Touch ID
According to a report from ITHome, Apple is expected to use both Face ID and Touch ID on the upcoming iPhones. But the company will not include a physical home button, instead, it will feature an in-display fingerprint sensor. Earlier iPhones used to arrive with LCD Retina displays and it was a great challenge for Apple to integrate in-display fingerprint scanners on LCD panels, but now the iPhones are coming with OLED displays which makes it easy to integrate the technology. Apple took a long time to include this feature on the iPhones where almost all mid-range smartphones from other brands offer this feature.
As per a report from Bloomberg, Apple is not planning to entirely change the design or hardware of the upcoming iPhone 13 series, but the company is tipped to include an under-display fingerprint scanner which might be a critical change for the iPhone fans. Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal also confirmed that Apple is planning to include the Touch ID once again on the iPhones.
The Wall Street Journal quoted two unknown former Apple employees stating that the company is developing an under-display fingerprint scanner. The one who was working on the Touch ID claimed that the company has chosen to use an optical sensor in the fingerprint scanner.
The post Apple Will Bring Back TouchID in iPhone 13, But the Home Button is Truly Dead appeared first on MySmartPrice.
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