Sunday, December 29, 2019

YouTube Now Allows You to Search Using Voice While Casting

YouTube Now Allows You to Search Using Voice While Casting

YouTube, the Google-owned company, recently announced the roll-out of a new feature that allows users to search for videos using voice The new feature allows users to use voice search on mobile devices while casting into their smart TV and supports iOS and Android apps.

The company says the new feature makes it easier for users to scan for YouTube content on their TVs and watch YouTube on PS4 and PS4 Pro in HDR. As of now, you can use the app to pause, resume, and adjust the volume when casting for a TV.

According to the company, this year’s release of YouTube also includes “Who’s Watching” feature that allows users to switch between various YouTube accounts linked to the device to make it easier for different people to personalize using the same account. YouTube has also made changes to its Interface by changing the navigation menu to the left and the profile icon user signed in) is
displayed in the top-left corner, just above the navigation menu.

YouTube also launched Amazon Fire TV’s official YouTube app with a diverse video content library. The app will also work well with Alexa.

How To Use New Voice Search Feature While Casting:

  • Open the latest YouTube app.
  • Tap the Cast button to display the application on your screen.
  • Tap the overlay on the screen of your device The overlay includes a slider for volume and
    connect / disconnect buttons. A new “voice search option will be seen here.
  • Click the ‘ mic ‘ button to use voice commands to search YouTube videos.

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The post YouTube Now Allows You to Search Using Voice While Casting appeared first on Tech.

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