Friday, October 29, 2021

Facebook Changes its Name to Meta and We Can’t Stop Laughing at the Meta Jokes

Facebook has changed its name to Meta. No, not that Facebook you have on your phone, but Facebook Inc. has changed its name. From now on, the company will be called Meta Inc., and already, people are finding it kind of hard to believe that Mark Zuckerberg announced such a big change, just like that. Though it was somewhat known to many that a change in name is going to happen, people immediately started finding ways to make fun of the change in name and jokes, and way too many memes flooded Twitter and Facebook. And yes, I’m not here to tell you about this piece of information that Facebook changed its name – you must have read about it already –  but I’m here to present you a series of jokes, memes and even some pretty offending political stuff. So even if you’re very easily offended, I forbid you from checking the last few memes.

The first one should always be a classic one, so here’s something that’s very old, as a meme template, but always fits in many situations, including the Facebook to Meta transformation.

It looks like someone, just like me has watched The Social Network at least fifty times. This is one such unique meme, that I guess few people posted.

Changing the corporate name may not mean much to people already addicted to Facebook, but it is surely drawing some attention on the internet.

Here comes something plain and simple, straight from our Editor in Chief, and now I’m going to ask him to send a pair of expensive headphones so that I can listen to Linkin Park, or else, I’m not going to forgive him for ruining the song.

While people are thinking about how the hell Facebook changed its name suddenly, this guy is a step ahead and has already thought of a new name for Facebook India, no offence to Harshad Mehta or any other person with the same surname is intended.

When there is a change in name of anything, city, place, monument or anything else, there will be that one guy who would immediately photoshop Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of UP.

Meanwhile, Americans are linking Meta to Donald Trump, the only President of the US probably, who got banned from Facebook? And yes, Make Everything Trump Again is probably trending on Twitter, maybe in the US.

There is no game, you’re missing a button from your PS controller.

Slapping a new name means nothing. That applies even more to a company like Facebook who cares the least about privacy.

The truth has been spoken. As I mentioned earlier, privacy is an issue with Facebook and apart from that, Facebook is now being seen as a big failure when it comes to stopping the spread of misinformation and fake news.

Not cool bro, not cool. How can you turn Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle into this clown?

Someone’s smoking something weird these days, time to call the NCB, maybe!

I knew this was coming.

One more acronym theory. I guess by the end of this year, people will find maybe a few hundred of them.

I’m damn sure that the OP has an infinity tattoo, somewhere. Now, tattoo removal will cost a lot.

And here comes the tweet, from 9Gag, the den of the dank members. I have no idea what’s Feta (editor’s note: It’s a type of cheese), but I appreciated the Photoshop work done here.

Changing names isn’t business, it’s PR.

These are just some of the few jokes and memes I could find. So, now we’re moving to 9Gag. I’m linking down this particular post alongside the link to the latest memes and funny content that’s posted on 9Gag starting right after the announcement.

Also Read: Facebook’s First Smart Glasses Have Two 5MP Cameras and Voice Support

I’m also scrolling through 9Gag now because, by this time, some guys living under a cave must have started announcing this change on Facebook, after a twelve-hour nap. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that Facebook is bringing a smartwatch, with a camera for video calls.

The post Facebook Changes its Name to Meta and We Can’t Stop Laughing at the Meta Jokes appeared first on MySmartPrice.

from MySmartPrice

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